Tuesday, 5 June 2012


How to buy things on paypal for $0.01

Warning, i don't advise anyone to try this directly and if you do make sure you protect yourself with a proxy!
What were going to be using is a Firefox add on called Tamper Data. You can download 

Tamper Data


1. Pick your targeted website! I'm going to be using http://www.mygoldmore.com as an example

2. Pick your item! I'm going to be using Xbox Live US 4000 Microsoft Points which cost $49.99.

3. Press buy now and do the usual (Shipping,address,name,etc)DONT click confirm order yet!

4.Open up tamper data, located at tools - tamper data and click start tampering

5.Click confirm order

6.Tamper data should keep informing you of multiple pages to tamper with keep pressing submit till you find one like this.

7.Change the amount value to 0.01 and click OK
8.Congrats the price of the item should show up on paypal as $0.01 and you should be able to purchase the item for $0.01, if the owners of the website notice they will refund you the money.

Enjoy with Precautions 

1. Purchasing XBOX Via paypal 

2. Pick your item! I'm going to be using Xbox Live US 4000 Microsoft Points which cost $49.99.

3. Press buy now and do the usual (Shipping,address,name,etc)DONT click confirm order yet!

4.Open up tamper data, located at tools - tamper data and click start tampering
5.Click confirm order

6.Tamper data should keep informing you of multiple pages to tamper with keep pressing submit till you find one like this.

7.Change the amount value to 0.01 and click OK

8.Congrats the price of the item should show up on paypal as $0.01 and you should be able to purchase the item for $0.01, if the owners of the website notice they will refund you the money.


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